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CA12 sealing concrete adhesive


Moisture resistant
Anti bacterial
High adhesion

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Product Description


Sealing concrete glue ca12

Romulo ca12 sealing concrete adhesive is a milky white one-component water-soluble product based on modified resin.It is formulated with ionization technology and as a bonding agent for cement-based mortars is used This product is ready to use and can be added to concrete or mortar and increase its stability against water penetration It improves the abrasion resistance, and also forms a stable bonding layer against water along with cement.


Antifungal, antibacterial
High resistance to CO2 and UV rays
Long-term protection against rust
Long protection against heat and expansion same as concrete
Premature hardening, improvement of flexibility and noticeable reduction of shrinkage
Reduction of water-cement ratio, increase and high stability against water penetration
Adhesion to concrete, steel, brick, glass, asphalt, wood and polystyrene
Good stability against freezing, penetration of salts, wear and chemicals
Being non-toxic, suitable for use in drinking water tanks and swimming pools


Provision of waterproof concrete surfaces in parking lots and all concrete surfaces
Suitable for underlaying epoxy acrylic and polyurethane paints
Provision of waterproof concrete surfaces in the walls and floors of factories, warehouses
Repair of damaged concrete, repair of floors, slabs and prefabricated concrete parts
For adhesion in cosmetic putty powder, for smoothing exposed concrete surfaces
Preparation of mortar and coatings, sealing of treatment plants, sewers and swimming pools
Reinforcement of all types of powder adhesives, ceramics, strapping powders and preparation of stone putty
Sealing foundations, elevator pits, inspection chambers, liquid and water tanks, swimming pools
Suitable for preparing adhesive mortars with sand and cement for various types of installation
Tile, ceramic and stone

How to use

To repair concrete: Clean the desired surfaces from any pollution and combine the cosmetic powder with 50% ca12 sealing concrete adhesive with water and putty the desired surface several times until the surface is smooth. The facade of the building and the pool area can be used, the usual consumption per square meter with a thickness of 1 cm
700 grams and 200 grams for each square meter with a thickness of 3 mm.

For sealing: For each cubic meter of concrete or mortar, mix Romolo’s sealing concrete adhesive with water at a ratio of 3 to 1 and then add it to the above concrete or mortar, the usual amount used for sealing is approximately 5-9% of the weight of cement used.

To strengthen powder adhesives and strapping and sealing powders: For every one liter of water, add and mix half a liter of Romulo sealing concrete adhesive, then add the above solution to the desired powder, the resulting mortar is ready to use.
is .

Physical and chemical characteristics:

Romolo Company:

In order to satisfy its customers, Romolo company has produced the products that they need, these products include:

Quality insulation adhesives

Attractive alkyd (oil) paints

Sales of tile, ceramic and stone adhesives in high variety

Buying facade paints at an affordable price

Anti rust with the best material

Pool tile adhesive with excellent durability

And selling plastic colors with the highest shelf life

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